This module provides various ways to initialize the population for evolutionary algorithms.
- class pyevopt.sampler.RealSampler¶
Initializes a population with real-valued solutions.
This sampler can be used to initialize the population of an evolutionary algorithm with real-valued solutions.
The population is initialized by sampling from a uniform distribution. This allows for efficient initialization of large populations, and provides a good starting point for further evolution.
- generate(size: int, dimension: int, domain: tuple[float, float])¶
Generate a real-valued population of individuals.
Generates a population of size individuals, each individual being an array of length dimension, with values chosen from the specified domain.
- size: int
The number of individuals in the population.
- dimension: int
The size of each individual.
- domain
A function that maps a value to a random sample from this domain.
- np.ndarray
An array of shape (size, dimension) containing the generated population.